
Rod Mckuen (1933- )詩人,作曲家,歌星,早在60年代已經出名,自己所作詩集已翻譯過成11國家語言出版,只是單一1968年銷量就是1million本。另外自己作曲同填詞,歌詞大部分都是孤獨,失戀。D樂評家話他出買寂寞成大富,但是在這個年代非常受年青人喜愛。這張 SEA 唱片同Anita Kerr and San Sebastian Strings合作的專題系列的其中第一張,其他還有Earth,Sky, 情侶,春天,夏天,四季.........差不多有成十張。內容是詩朗誦同歌曲,San Sebastian Strings做背景音樂,大部分是弦樂,就算今天聽番亦有新鮮感。

   ......................................................................................................................   這張是法文版,由Marc Ogeret  用法語朗誦。

Pushing the Clouds Away

(Lyrics by Rod McKuen, music by Anita Kerr, narrated by Jesse Pearson, from the album "The Sea")

Clouds are not the cheeks of angels, you know
They're only clouds.
Friendly sometimes,
but you can never be sure.

If I had longer arms
I'd push the clouds away
or I'd make them hang above the water somewhere else,
but I'm just a man
who needs and wants,
mostly the things he'll never have.
Looking for that thing that's hardest to find -- myself

I've been going a long time now
along the way I've learned some things.
You have to make the good times yourself
take the little times and make them big times
and save the times that are all right
 for the ones that aren't so good.

I've never been able
to push the clouds away by myself.
Help me.


The Ever Constant Sea Lyrics
Rod McKuen

The Ever Constant Sea
Words: Rod McKuen, Music: Anita Kerr

Once upon a time, loving set me free
Free as any bird whoever heard
The wind blow in the trees.
After love had gone I had merely me
And my only friend The Ever Constant Sea

We've been through it all, my old friend and me
Summertime and fall have shown us
All the world there is to see.
So if I love again, if love is good to me
I'll share it with my friend
The Ever Constant Sea.

Yes, If I love again, if love is good to me
I'll share it with my friend, The Ever Constant Sea.

HAVE  A  NICE  DAY..........................................

當一個人寫下任何關於海的東西時,是不可能不把自己包括進去的。』對Rod McKuen而言,這張關於海的創作『The Sea』,不只是一張融合了詩與音樂的創作,更是由大海般的喜悅、平靜與憂傷,交織而成的印象詩篇。

  1967年一月,素有『心靈詩人』美譽的Rod McKuen,剛剛完成了一組新的詩作。並且找來Anita Kerr創作配樂,將詩的吟頌與背景音樂完美的結合在一起。這張創作被兩人命名為『The Sea』,並交由華納兄弟唱片公司出版,結果寫下了當時華納唱片有史以來的最佳銷售紀錄,這張專輯也隨即出現了法文、德文、義大利文、西班牙文,甚至於日文等不同語言的版本。

  在推出法文版『The Sea』專輯之後,全世界掀起了一陣狂購熱潮,更有相當多的樂迷找尋這張2000萬張記錄的原本專輯。在低沈而柔緩的男聲旁白中,原本優雅與韻律感,更勝法文版的浪漫魅力,讓您沈澱擾攘中的緊張與不安。

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